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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Deadliest Catch - homeschool addition.

Teach a boy to spell fish - he'll forget it in a day. Teach a boy that once he learns to spell fish - he can sew a fishing set for a life time! 

 So - sew - so - fish. Working on motivating a boy to learn letters and spell stuff and things. And - i had been planning on teaching him some sewing - something he has been wanting to learn for ages. So - I put the two together. It was suppose to take all week - but - the baby slept for ever - so we ended up getting to finish the project! It was like - a miraculous homeschool day! He had already learned F, H and I  - and this week is all about the letter I   ** I am doing a vowel a week - and we are on week three - so A,E and now I** He has gotten so much momentum - he is catching his identification and writing so fast now. So - I said - " If you can remember all the letters in Fish - then I will teach you to sew your own fishing game! " a half hour later - he had it.
We had all the materials on hand. And he quickly picked up the sewing bit. My Mathildepan  - she has been sewing for ages - so in two shakes of a fishy tail - all the little guys were made - and by that time - the magnet hooks were finished drying and ready to be strung to the poles!
Now - I have no idea what to do for the other 2 days we get to do school this week. But - hey - I shouldn't complain.
Here are the pics and a bit of the process.
Materials - felt, hemp twine,wool stuffing *not pictured* glue and magnets. **also - the kids were working on the table - so the only work space left was the highchair left vacant by the long sleeping baby.

I tied the twine around a few magnets -I also added craft glue - to make sure they wouldn't slip and end up in the baby krakan's belly.

Set the boy to work ~

 And stuffed the fishys with wool and a more different magnet.
Tied the magnet "hook" to the fishing pole and bam. Done it. 

Also - here is today's white board of the week.

And - yeah. This weeks plans are dashed. So - the board is not longer accurate.

Master his letter I. This boy has got it!

1 comment:

  1. No running water - but MONDAY!!! We will! I have hecka awesome bicepts from hauling five gallon jugs of water for cooking, cleaning and bathing. And the fishing game is just a constant now. Its like - his favorite thing ever. I am pretty chuffed!
