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Here is the waldorf Curric we use

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Waldorf alphabet so far

A quick update - as of 9/9/15 ~ we dont us Live Education anymore. It is filed away like many other curriculum that we just couldn't make work for us.  This post - in retrospect - might be better seen as a cautionary tale - and not a recommended path. So pretty pictures though! ^_^! but those were actually very hard times for us. I now use Queens Curriculum and Children’s Garden of the Theotokos. Because - yeah. It just works better for us. Oh - and print outs of like 1970s activity books. Cuz - they tend to be straight forward with out a lot of product placement and gimmicky franchise centric marketing. ( I am not into leep frog for this reason)

We are just starting vowels but here are some of the first letters in order according to Live Education!
 B by tilde
 B by mama. We used Snow White and Rose Red for our story and the tongue twisters and verse from LE.
 C before I figured out how to be a bit more simple. We told Cat and Mouse and the tongue twisters and verse from LE
 M right around when I started wondering if chalk board is really for us. We made up our own story about a mountain goat and sang Climbing Up Sunshine Mountain.
 D looking alright - but Still - to messy. For Dear we told Brother and Sister but said Dear instead of Roebuck. And we used the tongue twisters and verses from LE
 R when we switched to note book - way easier.We told The Mitten as our story and used the tongue twisters and verse from LE
 L for lamb - but it looks like something is wrong with his leg :( We did verses from Mother Goose and Mary Had a Little Lamb.
 G for goose girl - and we read the Goose Girl and used the tongue twisters and verse from LE.
 F for the fisherman and his wife And did the tongue twisters and verse from LE.
S for Star A for Awe We are using the story of the Nativity - and doing  the tongue twisters and verse from LE.
That's it for now. We have taken 1st grade very slow. We have gone back and forth with kindi lessons and craft - just to keep it slow and gentle. 

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