So - there I was at Big Lots. I saw this super rad set of wooden castle blocks for crazy cheap. I had to have it - being the quality toy junky that I am - so - I did. I haves it.
Today Tilde and Papa went off to the Archery Range for a work party - so it was just me and the boy! So yeah! We did some finger games, some nursery rhymes and general circle stuffs - but... we were getting bored. I actually am not morning sick or really tired - so - it would be actual child abuse to put him in front of a movie. Then I remembered my impulse wooden castle blocks purchase :D ! Oh yeah. We are buildin' some towers and knockin' 'em down and he asked " Hey! Wheres the guys?" Like - yeah! There are no "guys"?! So - I figure I'll felt something up right quick - but dude. These blocks are super small... felting sturdy "guys" was not happening. This sounds like a job for modeling bees wax. So we pulled out our materials and got to work. Here's what me and the Hugo made ^_^!
This is the boy hard at work on his "Cwockadiywil"
And here are the Gardens- you can see the Croc in the "stream" .And since Tilde was away - I got to be the fabricator - so i made a horsy and a kitty ^_^ !
Here we have the throne room... ummmm ... mama might be a George RR Martin fan... and that might be an Iron Throne.
The queen is in her chamber eating milk and honey! And look at the little baby Hugo made - he is such a sweet heart <3 br="">3>
And of course - all castles need a cat on the battlements!
And then when sister came home!
Look! They are playing together! So much awesome!
So yes. You SHOULD spend that much on beeswax. It is the best.
Today Tilde and Papa went off to the Archery Range for a work party - so it was just me and the boy! So yeah! We did some finger games, some nursery rhymes and general circle stuffs - but... we were getting bored. I actually am not morning sick or really tired - so - it would be actual child abuse to put him in front of a movie. Then I remembered my impulse wooden castle blocks purchase :D ! Oh yeah. We are buildin' some towers and knockin' 'em down and he asked " Hey! Wheres the guys?" Like - yeah! There are no "guys"?! So - I figure I'll felt something up right quick - but dude. These blocks are super small... felting sturdy "guys" was not happening. This sounds like a job for modeling bees wax. So we pulled out our materials and got to work. Here's what me and the Hugo made ^_^!
And here are the Gardens- you can see the Croc in the "stream" .And since Tilde was away - I got to be the fabricator - so i made a horsy and a kitty ^_^ !
Here we have the throne room... ummmm ... mama might be a George RR Martin fan... and that might be an Iron Throne.
Look! They are playing together! So much awesome!
So yes. You SHOULD spend that much on beeswax. It is the best.
How awesome!