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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Homeschool for reals.

Homeschool isn't easy. We all have hang ups that make our job as parent teacher harder - but I keep reminding myself that while I know I fail in some ways - I have plenty of success in others.  I have a very hard time taking notes of what we have done so far. So much of waldorf first grade is hands on work - not so much of me sitting around typing up reports of the day! ( I also have a 1 year old) Sometimes I try to remember what we did all week - and I am stumped!  But taking photographs seems to be a quick easy way to remind myself just how much we have done! And while I am no photographer - and I bought this rather crap camera on clearance - here are the last couple weeks in our home~! Enjoy.
These are the completed paper from the paper making project.  
I think they kind of not so beautiful - but act of making it was so fun. We learned a lot about wasps!

 Here is the crisp apple struddle - we didn't know what is was suppose to look like - but it tasted good!

 The next week started with the family having the stomache flu. When we finally recovered I could not think what to do for school - but as Tilde had already humming Mary Quite Contrary -I went ahead and had a lesson on cockle shells ( thank you google) and then we drew her pretty maids all in a row.

 Here is Tildes beautiful winter night dress. She designed and sewed both dresses for herself and her doll. I threw in a little help here and there - but still - this was all her and her awesome sewing skills. I gave her most of the week to do this project. I don't know if i could stand that much hand sewing- myself!
 We also threw in a bit of baking that week. These are molasses sweetened blue berry muffins. They were crazy good. And thanks to Tildes delicate hands, they were soft and fluffy. And did I mention soooo good?
So that is the last 6 weeks of homeschool. I don't pack a huge amount in at a time.She seems happiest with slow and steady.
We are currently working on Christmas ornaments and cards - but I think I sent most of  them away before I could take pictures.

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